Otevřeno Út - Pá 13:00 - 19:00, So - 10:00 - 16:00 Lužická 1636/31, 120 00 Praha 2-Vinohrady. tel +420 603 775 565

2.2 | Gramcast : Silhouette Lost In The Circle (Extract) | Vinyl Release Party

Chtěli bychom Vás pozvat na release party nového vinylu od českého producenta Silhouette. Po předchozích menších projektech příchází Silhouette se svým debutovým albem "Lost In The Circle" a jako předzvěst tohoto počinu vychází vinyl ve verzi (Extract), který obsahuje 4 skladby z alba. Vinyl vychází v limitováné edici. Na release party si Silhouette pozval djs Alfred Czital (Harmony Rec.), equi (WATP) a Insane (Harmless Youth).


On Friday 2nd February, we host release party of Czech producer Silhouette, who is responsible for his forthcoming debut album “Lost In The Circle”. Ahead of the official album release date Silhouette put out a limited edition vinyl record called “Extract” showcasing four tracks from the aforementioned album. On this special occasion Silhouette invited Alfred Czital (Harmony Rec.), equi (WATP) and Insane (Harmless Youth) to our shop to play music alongside man himself. Shop is open from 13:00, stream starts at 16:00.

Otevřeno máme jako vždy od 13:00, stream začíná v 16:00. 

Line up

16-17 Insane (https://soundcloud.com/harmless-youth)
17-18 equi (https://soundcloud.com/equist)
18-19 Alfred Czital (https://soundcloud.com/fred-czital)
19-20 Silhouette (https://soundcloud.com/silhouette_chik)


A1 Reports From The West
A2 Wake Up Call (ft. Rzah)

B1 Mining Of Unknown Minerals
B2 Extraterrestrial Life Forms (Endless)

Mastered by Alhek Mastering Berlin

Krmelec Recordings 2018