Otevřeno Út - Pá 13:00 - 19:00, So - 10:00 - 16:00 Lužická 1636/31, 120 00 Praha 2-Vinohrady. tel +420 603 775 565

Zprávy z Gramu

9.2 | Roman Rai [křest desky], Fatty M, Vik, Josef Sedloň

V pátek 9.2 proběhne v Gram Records ulice Lužická 31, Praha 2 křest desky, kterou vydal Roman Rai na Deepwave Records. Na desce se remixy zároveň podílel Peter Pardeike amajitel labelu Ian Metty. Na křestu zahrají Roman Rai, DJ Vik, Josef Sedloň a Fatty M. Začínáme v 17:00!!!

Roman Rai
Perceptions Of Delusion Ep
DWRLP001 | Deepwave Records 

Track List
A1: Perceptions Of Delusion
A2: Thoughts Are Gone
B1: Perceptions Of Delusion (Peter Pardeike Remix)
B2: Perceptions Of Delusion (Ian Metty Rework)

Poslechni si desku zde https://youtu.be/LmdCV4rYtjo
V prodeji na https://fanlink.to/dwrlp01


Official press release:
It took us longer than we thought but finally release no.20 is here and we have a special treat for you. Freshly signed by Connaisseur, 'Roman Rai' is back on our imprint with massive EP 'Perceptions Of Delusion'. First track of the same title is one of those tracks that will define this year here for us at Deepwave. Timeless, beautiful and simply breathtaking, not much more to say. Second track on A side 'Thoughts Are Gone' is a nice melodic ambient journey again showcasing Roman's artistic feel & creativity and expressing his feelings of past months. For first remix we invited our good friend and great producer 'Peter Pardeike' from Innervisions, and what a remix he delivers! Outstanding, dreamy, and captivating track which gets you in the zone and off ground right from the beginning. Second remix comes in hands of 'Ian Metty" who did his classical journey rework, underlined with nice afro bongos and floating atmospheres, topped with bells from original to get things moving. Whole release is coming out both on Vinyl & digital in December/January, 2017/18 respectively, and we would love you to play it and support it as we strongly believe this is a unique piece of music! Thank you.

Gram Records
Lužická 1636/31
120 00 Praha 2-Vinohrady

2.2 | Gramcast : Silhouette Lost In The Circle (Extract) | Vinyl Release Party

Chtěli bychom Vás pozvat na release party nového vinylu od českého producenta Silhouette. Po předchozích menších projektech příchází Silhouette se svým debutovým albem "Lost In The Circle" a jako předzvěst tohoto počinu vychází vinyl ve verzi (Extract), který obsahuje 4 skladby z alba. Vinyl vychází v limitováné edici. Na release party si Silhouette pozval djs Alfred Czital (Harmony Rec.), equi (WATP) a Insane (Harmless Youth).


On Friday 2nd February, we host release party of Czech producer Silhouette, who is responsible for his forthcoming debut album “Lost In The Circle”. Ahead of the official album release date Silhouette put out a limited edition vinyl record called “Extract” showcasing four tracks from the aforementioned album. On this special occasion Silhouette invited Alfred Czital (Harmony Rec.), equi (WATP) and Insane (Harmless Youth) to our shop to play music alongside man himself. Shop is open from 13:00, stream starts at 16:00.

Otevřeno máme jako vždy od 13:00, stream začíná v 16:00. 

Line up

16-17 Insane (https://soundcloud.com/harmless-youth)
17-18 equi (https://soundcloud.com/equist)
18-19 Alfred Czital (https://soundcloud.com/fred-czital)
19-20 Silhouette (https://soundcloud.com/silhouette_chik)


A1 Reports From The West
A2 Wake Up Call (ft. Rzah)

B1 Mining Of Unknown Minerals
B2 Extraterrestrial Life Forms (Endless)

Mastered by Alhek Mastering Berlin

Krmelec Recordings 2018

15.12 | Gramcast s SY (EWax, Berlin), Sebastian Paiza (Art Of Dark), STA

V pátek 15.12. pořádáme další live instore session v Gramu,(Lužická 31, Praha 2). Djs budou hrát od 16:00 do 20:00, ale otevřeno bude jako vždy od 13:00. 

Pozvání přijali SY, Sebastian Paiza a Sta

RA https://www.residentadvisor.net/events/1033504
Free entry, bring drinks


On Friday 15th December, we are going "live" with another dj live session which will be aired in real time around the world and beyond. Shop is open from 13:00, fun and broadcast starts at 16:00 and finishes at 20:00 

SY / DE (EWax)

Sebastian Paiza / US (Art Of Dark, Sakadate, Leone)

Sta / CR   

1.12 | Gramcast: Axaminer 003 vinyl release party w/ Spigl, Mike Corner

Pražský label Axaminer Records připravuje tento rok již třetí desku!

Na malou release oslavu, která proběhne v pátek 1.12 v Gram Records si label boss Spigl pozval Mike Cornera a další hosty, kteří nám zahrají nejen tento povedený kousek!

Axaminer 003
A1 Pluge, Spigl DFNC (2017 re- edit)
A2 Vertical Spectrum rmx
B1 Pluge Edit
B2 Spigl Edit
B3 Oliver Torr rmx 

Ukázka / preview

Otevřeno máme jako vždy od 13:00, stream začíná v 16:00. 
Gramcast gathering is back at our record store as well as cyberspace. Shop is open from 13:00, fun and broadcast starts at 16:00, finishes at 20:00. 

Axaminer Records are back in shelf with brand new vinyl release number 3. Label boss Spigl who is also responsible for two cuts on the vinyl will practice his djs skills at Gram Records from 16:00 onwards with a few special guests on the line up jumping in later on. We'll have 10 copies of the vinyl available at the shop ahead of the official release date!

Axaminer 003
A1 Pluge, Spigl DFNC (2017 re- edit)
A2 Vertical Spectrum rmx
B1 Pluge Edit
B2 Spigl Edit
Oliver Torr rmx digital bonus track

4 položek celkem